Tuesday 31 December 2013

 I did not do the competition because I did not get any votes.But anyway sorry I did not do my blog , I was celebrating christmas.And I even have a bunch of homework left.

Friday 20 December 2013

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Sorry I might not do my blogg for a while , I am sick but I will try my best.

Monday 9 December 2013

When I was in year 3 , one of my favourite teacher taught me about the rainforest.We called here Mrs Hien.I do not know the spelling but this is close.After she taught us a lot of the rainforest we all wrote a poem of the rainforest.This is my poem.

                    Rainforest creature doings

Astonishing joyful squire monkeys swinging skillfully through the thin, dence trees underneath the dark, gloomy canopy,
Slimmy slithering skillful snakes hissing quietly to sneak up to its prey,
Night Dragonfly's glide with there lucid blue wings,
Nightingales humming beautifully in the night sky,
Jaguars creeping quietly up to its juicy prey,
Red eyed tree frog pouncing away,
Tigers greedily gobbling up its precious prey in 5 seconds.


Saturday 7 December 2013

Sunday 1 December 2013

As it is the first of December I think I will do something to do of Christmas. But first I decided do a vote of what you liked most of my blog and whatever gets the most votes I will do Christmas version next.

e.g But for songs I will have to do chipmunks and chipettes

I might have to do something like that because I do not know the Christmas version.The vote will end 2 days before Christmas.So tell all of your friends and familys and vote!!!!Please send by comment.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

I remembered a REALLY COOL WEBSITE from when I was in year 3.It is called Sumo paint.As you can see,I made a picture from Sumo paint I will give you the link if you are interested.This is not the only thing you can do on Sumo paint there are a bunch of stuff you can do.If you want to do something like me, there are some instructions underneath the picture.

Every one should do
Step 1) https://www.google.co.uk/#q=sumo+paint click on the link

Step 2)click on Desktop Sumo paint.

Step 3)scroll down and press use for free then wait.

 Your choice from here

Step 4)press new blank canvas

Step 5)Scroll up and find a tiny box that is next to the word symmetry the press it.

Step 6)Scroll up and find a medium box  next to symmetry put it up to 100.

Step 7)Then again scroll up and chose your brush.

Step 8)look at a box full of colours and then chose your colour.

Step 9) Scroll up and find the word Diameter and change it to 256px.

Step 10)put the brush that not has got bigger on top of your paper but you can still see the brush you chose and the press your mouse.

Step 12)now change the couler and make the brush smaller and put it on the page.

Step 13)If you want your brush to be smaller you go on Diameter.If get any problems just write a comment so I know.

Step 14)Now just have fun and explore!!!!

Sunday 24 November 2013

I just wanted to say one small thing as I am on the internet , my best friend has started a blog and she writes awsome poems!!!!I hope you like the poems.
Here is the link:brimming-thoughts.blogspot.co.uk

Friday 22 November 2013

Ok sorry I have not been writing my blog often so why not now????Ok last time I wrote about movies so know why not songs????Saddly I do not have a favourite song because they are all so good!!!!So  I will put some REALLY cool songs.

Girl and boy


Had me at hello

Nothing going to stop me now

Change your life



Boy and girl

You don't know you beautiful

Live while were young


Beauty and a beat

I am now puting mixed songs

I know you were trouble

We speak no Americano

Gangnam style

Love you like a love song

Call me mabye

Good feeling

The ketchup song

Price tag

Hall of fame

 1975 Chocolate

Monday 11 November 2013


Wednesday 23 October 2013

                                                    SORRY I


Monday 9 September 2013

I have some more funny jokes !!!!

woo who

nock nock

who is there


woo who

Stop your scaring me!!!!

 south america

Teacher:Maiya please find south america on the map

Maiya:here it is

Teacher:who foulnd south america????



Teacher:Camron how do you spell elephant????



Camron:yes because you said how do YOU spell elephant!!!!


 Cassen:Miss I need the pee

Teacher:tell me the abcd first

Cassen:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o q r s t u v w x y z

Teacher:wheres the p

Cassen: runing down my legs!!!!

I wanted to know your favorite country.Well my favourite country is china!!!! Here I got a picture of the great wall of china!!!! I expected it bigger but mabye it is so old that it is great but not big.I am really intrested in there traditions , clothing, wrighting and more.But as I today want YOU not your brother or sister, small or big, parents I want YOU to write what YOUR favorite country as a mesage so I can know you are reading a EGIGHT YEARS OLDS BLOG!!!! and your favorite country.but not exacly me because I have no brothers or sisters.

Thursday 15 August 2013

I could not get a good photo.
I stayed in a hotel and went
two days Rome three days
Venice.We had a tour.Did
you know instead of cars
thay brought boats!!!! It
is very unusial to me!!!!
The water was dirty.it
 was a bit of a shame
the day we came back
I woke up thinking it
was a dream as we
came back late.
Sorry I did it upside

Sorry I take a long time but I just went to Rome then straight Venice!!!! I thought I could tell you about my trip!!!! Do you know what a gondola is???? If not here is a picture

Tuesday 30 July 2013

I heard and read of some riddle.I thought I could tell you some.

Jokes and riddles

What did the Baby corn say to the Momma corn??

Where's pop corn??!!

  If we use a key in opening a banana what kind of key would you use in opening a banana??

A mon-key!!

What are the 3 poles??

North pole South pole Tadpole!!

What did the hat say to the necklace??

You hang around  and I will go on ahead!!

This is a riddle

Marys father had five daughters.One was called nana nono nene nini.What is the fifth one??

Mary was the fifth one!!

What is light as a feather but not ten men can hold??


What has a mouth but never speaks and has a bed but never sleeps??

A river!!

Saturday 29 June 2013


I started to think about rare and unusual plants.I have a plant that is unusual to me!!!!It is called a bromeliad.This is what a bromeliad looks like.Here is a bromeliad song.

Bromliad bromliad do your duty here comes Mrs Macorony she can go purple she can go red but most of all she can eat 10 peices of bread!!!!

This is the bromeliad I have.Bromeliads come in different coulers.It has some grass arount it like it is soppose to.It has hard petels insted of soft!!!!

Thursday 27 June 2013

Have you ever thought about the past in your life?I thought I can tell you about MY favourite parts in MY life at school in year 3!!!!I loved it when my friend brought his pet chameleon in!!!!I was happy and sad.I was sad as my favourite teacher Mrs Hine, was leaving our school.I was happy because we the children had a party arranged and I brought disco lights and some Indian food as I am an Indian!!!!Here are the Indian foods I brought in.

This is Pakora.Everyone in year 3 loved it!!!Vegetarion people can eat this.One girl called Eve said "I love this, thanks for bringing it in"!!!!This is a message for her "I am glad you loved it".If she is reading this please write a comment!!!!
 This is Halva.Not many people tasted this.I guess they judged the look and did not like the look.

Wednesday 26 June 2013


I thought about deforestation, I thought then  do  YOU like or hate deforestation? I will tell you about deforestation .Sometimes we need the rainforest for school.Pencils and chalk are from the rainforest!!They are lods of rainforests around the world.Tropical fruit like watermellon come from the rainforest!! ,Mmmm tasty watermellon!!Sorry!!
This is a rainforest animal.It is called the Toucan.A Toucan is a bird with a long beak that can fly and it has a bit of fur.The Toucan has got a orange and a bit of black on its beak.It has a black with a bit of white body.It has blue eyes with orange around it.It has dark blue skiny toes.

if deforestation happens he won't have a place to live!He can not live in your house!! Ther is a reason got put them ther!!Nearly nobody knows!!He can not fly to a diffrent rainforet as he will have to fly so many milles to fly, he wont feel at home!!They are even people in the rainforest!!They don't have wings!!They can't fly!!

Friday 21 June 2013

This is a site for children to learn new things

I am Saanvi. I am 8 years old. I have started this page to share my ideas and information with you. I believe in spreading joy and help my mum with her positive cards. Infact all the poems in the cards are written by me ( the kids one of course).